Conclusion time 2025-01-27 17:59:37 standard
Compared to the
previous day
Fluctuating rate
Time | Traded price | Compared to the previous day | Sales price | Purchase price | Trading volume |
15:30:00 | 5,700 | 10 | 5,710 | 5,700 | 343 |
15:19:00 | 5,710 | 20 | 5,710 | 5,700 | 30 |
15:17:00 | 5,710 | 20 | 5,710 | 5,680 | 1 |
15:16:30 | 5,680 | -10 | 5,710 | 5,680 | 238 |
15:13:00 | 5,710 | 20 | 5,710 | 5,700 | 1 |
15:12:50 | 5,700 | 10 | 5,710 | 5,700 | 197 |
15:12:30 | 5,700 | 10 | 5,710 | 5,700 | 41 |
15:12:00 | 5,680 | -10 | 5,700 | 5,680 | 59 |
15:05:50 | 5,720 | 30 | 5,700 | 5,680 | 61 |
15:05:40 | 5,710 | 20 | 5,710 | 5,680 | 89 |
Date | Closing price | Compared to the previous day | Market price | High price | Low price | Trading volume (Shares) |
Trade cost (KRW) |
25/01/24 | 5,700 | 10 | 5,640 | 5,750 | 5,620 | 26,142 | 147,888,640 |
25/01/23 | 5,690 | -190 | 5,950 | 5,990 | 5,670 | 73,315 | 420,232,010 |
25/01/22 | 5,880 | -110 | 6,010 | 6,010 | 5,880 | 37,599 | 222,676,690 |
25/01/21 | 5,990 | 0 | 5,930 | 6,060 | 5,870 | 24,353 | 144,613,130 |
25/01/20 | 5,990 | -30 | 6,190 | 6,190 | 5,940 | 34,863 | 210,434,680 |
25/01/17 | 6,020 | -40 | 6,060 | 6,150 | 5,980 | 15,023 | 90,460,350 |
25/01/16 | 6,060 | 130 | 5,940 | 6,080 | 5,940 | 20,821 | 125,311,230 |
25/01/15 | 5,930 | -70 | 6,000 | 6,110 | 5,930 | 21,458 | 128,266,380 |
25/01/14 | 6,000 | 40 | 5,960 | 6,060 | 5,900 | 25,072 | 149,506,730 |
25/01/13 | 5,960 | -160 | 6,120 | 6,120 | 5,930 | 22,809 | 136,204,350 |
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