Wooshin System 017370

Conclusion time 2025-03-14 14:40:22 standard

  • Compared to the
    previous day

  • Fluctuating rate

  • Trading

  • Trade

Details of same-day execution
Time Traded price Compared to the previous day Sales price Purchase price Trading volume
14:31:30 6,170 170 6,160 6,140 1
14:29:20 6,120 120 6,170 6,140 400
14:29:10 6,160 160 6,170 6,120 5,000
14:28:30 6,150 150 6,150 6,120 1
14:25:50 6,140 140 6,150 6,120 90
14:23:50 6,120 120 6,150 6,120 110
14:20:50 6,120 120 6,150 6,120 194
14:20:10 6,150 150 6,150 6,130 2
14:19:20 6,150 150 6,150 6,130 55
14:18:50 6,140 140 6,140 6,130 100
Details of execution of each day
Date Closing price Compared to the previous day Market price High price Low price Trading volume
Trade cost
25/03/14 6,120 120 5,940 6,160 5,940 26,062 159,067,310
25/03/13 6,000 30 5,960 6,200 5,950 131,676 793,868,250
25/03/12 5,970 120 5,850 6,020 5,850 33,721 201,385,130
25/03/11 5,850 -130 5,810 5,950 5,790 31,862 186,367,135
25/03/10 5,980 -30 6,010 6,070 5,980 31,813 191,465,355
25/03/07 6,010 -110 6,120 6,120 5,970 36,454 219,152,310
25/03/06 6,120 70 6,040 6,160 6,040 31,568 192,517,175
25/03/05 6,050 100 5,950 6,110 5,950 35,355 212,010,560
25/03/04 5,950 -100 6,030 6,070 5,850 37,351 223,294,735
25/02/28 6,050 -60 6,010 6,170 5,960 103,636 627,939,590

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We are not legally responsible for investment results based on the information provided.